
In our latest article, Intercru spoke with model Sumi. We learned about how she got into modeling, the best part about her job, and her huge love of music

Intercru: Where are you from? Where are you living/working now?

Sumi: I’m from Germany, living in Cologne, soon moving to Berlin. I’ve worked in lots of places in Germany and Switzerland, and hopefully soon I’ll be working abroad like the USA, UK, France, Spain, Italy, etc. It’s always been a dream of mine. There’s nothing better than traveling and getting to know new cultures, right?

What got you into modeling?

Ever since I can remember I always wanted to be an actress. I did lots of acting growing up, singing, dancing, and everything that comes with it.

One day an actor/model friend of mine approached me and said to me: “Why don’t you model though? You got everything that it takes.” First I was like “Nahh...modeling? Me? Never!” But we did some shots and I instantly loved it. One thing led to another, I got signed with an agency one month after that, and I fell in love with modeling.

Modeling reminds me a lot of acting. It’s expressing emotions, constantly learning and understanding art, studying and knowing your body and soul like nobody else. But the best part about it is meeting creative, passionate artists. It’s like a big creative family pursuing their dreams and visions together and everyone’s giving the best they can. It’s such a beautiful thing to witness. When you’re in the middle of it you feel like everything’s possible. Nothing can stop you.

I’m a very dreamy person you know, and this positivity just makes me feel so fulfilled. I feel like this is something everyone should live by. Taking one step at a time and doing your best. Gotta live life to the fullest. No regrets. 

What’s your favorite thing about going on a photoshoot?

It might sound funny, but my favorite part about a photoshoot is when we wrap. Everyone’s been working hard and you get to see it in the result. Seeing the happiness on the faces of the team about what we just had created is priceless. It warms my heart. And makes me love my job even more.

What’s your favorite song right now?

That’s sooo hard to answer. I always have like a hundred songs I could name since I’m THE absolute music lover. 

But I’m gonna go with Pineapple Skies by Miguel. Big vibes.

What’s your normal bedtime?

I’m not a role model when it comes to going to sleep. It’s like 2 am ish... I just feeling the most creative at night.

What was the best vacation you’ve ever had?

The Amalfi coast for sure. We stayed in a small town, in a little house with the greatest view ever. It was right across from the island of Capri. Waking up everyday to the peaceful sound of the sea, the sun rays touching my face, and the smell of lemons everywhere made me the happiest I had ever been.

If you won the lottery tomorrow, what's the first thing you would do?

I’d definitely cry-laugh at first and then I’d start start giving back to the people who support and love me the most: la familia.

What’s your favorite animal?

A panther. Love the mystery and elegance about them.

If you could learn any language instantly, what would it be and why?

That language would be Korean. I’m half Korean by my mom’s side but I don’t really speak the language. I speak like five languages fluently but Korean isn’t one of them and that’s actually sad if you think about it...I would love to surprise my mom with that one day though. 


Sumi is a Cologne-based model. To see more of her photos, follow her on Instagram  @sumimaria_.


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