Lady Woolf

“I am inspired by what is in front of me, what I see, what I experience, what I feel.”

Intercru recently spoke with photographer Lady Woolf about her career and photos. Here is her story in her own words.

I am from a small town in Australia. I live on the Surf Coast in Victoria. I work from home or wherever the locations I want to use are.

I started using a camera when I became bored of being the subject. I actually started out doing more art direction and styling. I remember my first time using a camera, I went to my friend’s house and took photos of her in her backyard, they were pretty bad, but I fell in love straight away. My attention has shifted from people to landscape to still life to myself (self-portraits), now I am back to people.

I have a few favourite photographers, of course, but they don’t inspire me. I am inspired by what is in front of me, what I see, what I experience, what I feel. Light, people and clothing inspire me to pick up the camera. 


I describe my style as “natural.” I try not to direct people too much, or when I do, I actually try to take photos of them when they are transitioning between poses or spaces. Those are the moments that are the most beautiful because they aren’t trying to portray what they think they should; they relax for a split second. It’s hard to do, and some models don’t enjoy the way I work.

I share a lot of my colour work, because people respond well to it, but I much prefer black and white because it’s more allusive. 


Lady Woolf is an Australia-based portrait photographer. To see more of her photography, follow her work on Instagram @ladywoolf____.


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