Aurelie Lagoutte

In our latest interview, we spoke with French photographer Aurelie Lagoutte about her career and self-portrait work. Check out the article to learn a little more about her and to see her gorgeous work.


Intercru: Where are you from? Where are you living/working now?

Aurelie: I grew up in France, in a small city near Lyon. Lived in Paris for 10 years and then moved to London to learn English. I’m now working mainly from my studio based in Shoreditch.

What got you started in photography?

I discovered film photography on a photoshoot with the photographer Sebran d’Argent when I was working as a make up artist in Paris. I immediately loved the slow pace of the process and its timeless results. After that day Sebran taught me techniques such as printing in a darkroom. In 2011, I bought my first film camera- a Rollei 35 and I started to photograph nudes. Since then I only shoot analog. At the time, I had no idea that photography would become my main medium for expression.


What is it you love most about being a photographer?

I love the fact that everyday you can create a new image and each of them are a part of you. I’m always curious about the next photograph I’m going to make. Sometimes I wonder if there will be a next one. If it’s going to stop one day or will I always produce? 

As a film photographer, the darkroom process was also one of the first reasons why I fell in love with film photography. It touches all your senses. It’s the smell of the chemicals, the texture of the paper, the quietness of the room.

Where do you find creative inspiration?

Oh everywhere! It can come from a book, a movie, a place, a painting, or even a conversation with someone can give me inspiration and new ideas. General day to day life really. Also, my cameras are second hand which means they too have a past and a story of their own and that is very inspiring for me.

Of course I also have moments, sometimes weeks where I don’t feel inspired or creative at all….like everyone. In that case I find getting out from my studio and changing my surroundings helps. I recently asked my friend who works in a hotel in London if I could come over for a few self-portraits as I wasn’t feeling creative and I needed a new environment. It worked and I came out the next day with a new series called “The Night Before” that you can see on my Instagram or website.


For you, what is the hardest part about photography?

As a self-portrait photographer being in front of the camera is the challenging part. I feel much more vulnerable than being hidden behind it. Now it feels normal but at the beginning I found it hard to let go.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

Just keep doing what you doing and stay true to yourself.


Aurelie Lagoutte is a London-based photographer specializing in self-portraits. To see more of her photography, you can check out her website or follow her work on Instagram @aurelielagoutte.


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