Timo Lemmetti

“I love how something rather simple and mundane can turn into an almost cinematic story just by cropping out all the nonessential.”


Intercru: Where are you from? Where do you live and work now?

Timo: I live and work in Helsinki, Finland. I’ve been dwelling around here all my life.

How did you get started in photography? What was the first camera you ever had?

I got my father’s old Canon AE-1 film camera back in 2001 and was really into that cross processed lo-fi look which was somewhat trendy at the time. I started to do some classic street photography but I guess I should have been more active and consistent to make it really work. I was too lazy to carry that bulky camera around all the time.

Then came the smart phones, and I have to say that having some kind of camera always available changed my way of seeing photo opportunities. Nowadays I prefer to shoot with my Leica Q, but my iPhone is still a much appreciated back up.


What do you love the most about photography?

I really like to play with shapes, forms and symbolism, but I always chase that ambiguous feeling of a mystery, or something like that. I love how something rather simple and mundane can turn into an almost cinematic story just by cropping out all the nonessential. I also love the endless possibilities in every moment; the next masterpiece can always be just around the corner. Oh, and I love making prints. It makes my photos turn into something real. To hold a fresh high end print in my hands makes me feel almost like a real artist, haha.

For you, what makes the perfect photo?

I had to stop and really think about this one.   

I might be a little bit overdosed with good photography in general. I mean the first ten photos appearing in my Instagram feed at any time could make a decent exhibition. There are so many talented artists on Instagram, if you know what I mean. 

When it comes to my own photography it’s hard to be objective. Some photos have more personal value than others. For example, I’m really aware how hard it was to catch a clear white vapor trail against a perfect blue sky and align it with a certain wooden sculpture in a certain angle, in a certain light etc. But the viewers don’t see it that way. They probably think it’s Photoshopped. To me that kind of photo symbolizes my hard-working and non-compromising attitude, plus it feels like a lottery win too haha. Also, certain photos can always bring back either good or bad memories from the time they were shot and that affects a lot. So I guess a perfect photo to me as a concept is too relative to specify.


What do you do to find inspiration for your photography?

I’m inspired by movies, books, music, dreams, and my own imagination. Of course, I need something to shoot too, usually something architectural in somehow exceptional light. Maybe some action in the skies too. I tend to keep my eyes off the ground. I like to take strolls at old industrial areas. The seaside inspires me a lot too. Right now I would really like to travel somewhere for some new views, but what can you do in this situation.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

Do your own thing.


Timo Lemmetti is a Helsinki-based photographer. To see more of his photography, follow his work on Instagram @timo_lemmetti.


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