Sonja Duscha

Our latest article is an interview with German model Sonja Duscha. We talk about everything from Vietnamese food to her love of summer and her new vintage shop. Check out the full interview below!


Intercru: Where are you from? Where are you living/working now?

Sonja: I was born and raised in Berlin and I’m currently still living here. My parents and grandparents are also from Berlin. I’ve never really lived anywhere else besides two years in Munich, where I did my apprenticeship. Maybe it’s time to live in another city/country for a change!?

If you had to describe yourself with 3 words, what would they be?

Cute but psycho.

What got you into modeling?

I was in a model agency when I was 15 years old and that wasn’t the best experience to be honest. I was too young, not self confident enough and the agents gave me the feeling that I wasn’t good enough the way I was. So I decided to leave the agency. 

A few years later a photographer spoke to me on a bus ride and asked if I would like to take pictures with him. I decided to give it a try and the pictures turned out quite nice. Since then I started modeling again.


If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?

How I wish we could travel right now. Next up on my list is Morocco, Canada, and South America.

What’s your favorite season of the year?

Definitely summer. Everything is better in summer. The days are longer, the colors are brighter, the choice of fruits is better. I also love the endless options you have in summer when going outside: A swim at your favorite lake, a picnic at the park, a drive on the Spree in an inflatable boat, or a visit to the open air cinema on a mild summer night and many more. 

Living in summer is easy and my mood in general is just better in summer. Don’t get me wrong, I also like the other seasons and they all have their positive aspects, but summer will always be my number one.


What’s your favorite food?

I love Vietnamese food. My favorite restaurant is called Tônis and it’s in Berlin-Moabit. It’s a very small and cozy cookshop. Nothing fancy but very charismatic and authentic. The owners are super friendly, the prices are fair, the food is fresh and delicious and they don’t add any flavor enhancers. Plus you always get Jasmine tea on the house. I love this place and I really hope that they survive this whole Corona madness. Everyone who reads this right now should go and check them out.


What is something that not many people know about you?

I’m about to drop a vintage online shop with a friend of mine and I’m super excited! The name is PODIUM Vintage and you’ll find us on Instagram @podium.vintage.

If you found a genie in a bottle, what would be your 3 wishes?

That my family, friends, and I stay healthy, a life stock of film rolls, and a baby kitten.


Sonja Duscha is a Berlin-based model and entrepreneur. To see more of her photography, follow her work on Instagram @sonjamarinadu. You can also check out her new vintage shop @podium.vintage.


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