Arthur Hubert Legrand

“Shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot until you break the mirror of your camera”


Intercru: Where are you from? Where do you live and work now?

Arthur: I spent most of my youth in Bretagne. I miss the cliffs and the sea a lot.

Now I live and work in Paris.

How did you get started in photography?

I started an advertising business when I was 21, in Nantes. At that time, we mainly did video. I was very bored doing products ads all the time so I decided I wanted to start taking pictures of people.


Who is your biggest inspiration?

I have very little photographic culture. I think I find my inspiration in the old movies that I watched as a child. My grandpa’s Westerns, Chaplin, and Kubrick. Today I obviously admire great fashion photographers like Lindbergh and Newton.

How would you define your creative style?

All I can say is that I like the natural, and I try to show truth in my photography.


Where do you go to look for creative inspiration?

Nowhere and everywhere I guess. I always work on instinct. When I shoot, everything is quite unconscious. There are certainly lots of old images lying around in my head that help me create.

What’s the best advice you would give to aspiring photographers?

Shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot until you break the mirror of your camera.


Arthur Hubert Legrand is a Paris-based fashion photographer. To see more of his photography, you can check out his website or follow his work on Instagram @arthurhubertlegrand_official.


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