Trashy Halloween

Our Trashy Halloween shoot comes from a collaboration between Macami and Numpty, two amazing artists with a new take on Halloween


How did you guys come up with the idea for the shoot?

Macami: I had some inspiration in a photo that I saw on Instagram a couple of months ago. I usually save lots of thing on my phone, so when I was invited to do this shoot with the Halloween theme I immediately thought about this photo.

Inviting Numpty for a collaboration was just the natural thing to do; he is a great artist who makes great pieces out of garbage. His work is just very inspiring and unique. The photos turned out very different compared with the inspirational one, which is great, because you can literally see both of us on this photoshoot. 

Numpty: Macami came to me with the idea and we had a brain storm on how we could incorporate my recycling vibe as well as her amazing light gradient vibe into one.

We came up with 2 main features that could be skewed but also feel almost natural which ended up being the hands and feet.


What inspired the costumes?

Macami: We started brainstorming and came up with the idea of using classic characters (Witch, Vampire and Frankenstein), with Numpty making these crazy and big props out of garbage but the twist was trying to making it look like “high fashion.”

Numpty: After we chatted on what features and the color scheme we where going with, I instantly thought of the old cartoons that I endlessly watch and how all the classic characters have the same kinda chunky boots and their hands always a bit more extravagant and their movements always a lot more wavey than you would expect.

The rest was just a lil bit of arts and crafts with the Numpty twist. With the fits we went for a high fashion look just to try make it that much more uncomfortable.


What is your favorite part about Halloween?

Macami: I just LOVE being in a public transport, or in the middle of the city before going to a Halloween party, and seeing other people’s costumes. It’s just a general feeling of people sharing the same vibe during a whole weekend. It’s funny and inclusive, people can just be creative making their own costumes, or coming up with great ideas. 

Numpty: I enjoy seeing different types of people come out their shell. You can be who ever you want on this night- you can be the singer you always wanted to be, the monster you see in your dreams or it can be a night for sexy outfit. 

And plus as you get older, trick or treating becomes a massive party most the time so that’s always a good time.


Trashy Halloween


A Collaboration for Intercru



Photographer & Creative Director: MACAMI @macami__

Artist & Co Director: NUMPTY @_numpty__

Model: Sarah Nicholson @sarahnicholson_

MUAH: Sarah Smith @makemeoverartistry

Styling: Numpty & Macami

Location: AV CLUB Visual Studio


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