First Time For Everything

Intercru recently spoke with Italian photographer Sara Rossi about her work. In her own words, Sara talks about why she is drawn to using non-professional models in her photography.


What I really like about working with non-professional models is the fact that I can give anyone the possibility of having professional photos.

Having a photo shot with ordinary people helps dispel the myths and beauty standards imposed by contemporary society. I strongly believe that the ability of the photographer consists on finding the perfect light and perspective in order to capture the essence and the best look of the person on the other side of the lens, no matter their experience with posing.


I started working with non-professional models in August 2019 when a friend of mine asked me to take some pictures of her. Before that time I focused on landscape and animal photography but during this year I totally dedicated myself on portraits. I’ve finally found my own style and I want to grow more and more in order to make photography my future.


Sometimes models are so self-confident that I don’t need to do anything to put them at ease. Other times, models can be very shy so I usually calm them with some pop music!

I always try not to create an embarrassing atmosphere... fortunately I’m very chatty!


Usually before doing a photo shoot I use to give my model a little project: we decide the outfit, the style, and the location.

At the same time, I’m not used to planning every poses or photo because is during the shooting I like to be more spontaneous! So, I like to let my models be as natural as they can, while I listen to their ideas.


I think the hardest part about working with non-professional models is the lower visibility on social media and “professionalism.”

Undoubtedly, doing photo shot with professional and experienced models involves more opportunity in work field. What’s more, working with professional girls or boys can be both easier and at the same time a challenge for yourself and the models.

Taking pictures with non-professional models gives me the possibility to gain experience and collaborate with lots of different people.

That doesn’t mean I will never work with professional models!.... I want to make photography my future but I think I will continue to take pictures of “ordinary people.”


Sara Rossi is an Italian fashion and beauty photographer. To see more of her photography, follow her work on Instagram


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