Yarden Amsalem

“Inspiration is something that can come from anything that happens around me… the most important thing is to be aware of it.”


Intercru: Where are you from? Where do you live and work now?

Yarden: I’m from Israel but I live between Israel and NYC.

How long have you been taking photos? What was your first camera?

I have been taking pictures for about 9 years and my first camera was Canon D1100.


What do you do to find creative inspiration?

To get inspired I usually go for a walk in nature with the people I love. I also like to push myself beyond my comfort zone.

Inspiration is something that can come from anything that happens around me… the most important thing is to be aware of it.

What are the types of emotions you try to convey in your photos?

I never want to convey something ambiguous. It really depends on my the period of life I’m in and how I live, feel, and experience things.


What is the best advice you’ve ever received about photography?

I received this advice not specifically regarding photography, but for life itself:

To act in a way that I believe in and not to adapt myself to the things around me, to make room for my inner feelings and to know that the world is diverse and can contain everything.


Yarden Amsalem is a photographer based between Israel and NYC. To see more of his photography, you can check out his work on Instagram @yardenamsalem.


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