Kim Nyborg

In our latest article, Intercru spoke with artist Kim Nyborg about her analog self-portraits. “It’s like this play, where I can meet myself through a viewfinder.”


Intercru: Where are you from? Where do you live and work now?

Kim: Well, let’s say I am mixed. Mixed in both nationalities and also in religions.

My parents are from a region where some people don’t know their birthdays. They were kind of nomads. I love this fact, it’s somehow so dissolved from our modern world.

I was born and raised in a big city with a population over 5 million people. I’ve always been an urban kid, and most likely I’ll remain as one.

Currently, I am in Berlin. I love this city but you never know where I will be next. I have this nomad blood in me. 

I studied mathematics and philosophy and now I work in the finance industry as an analyst.

What 3 words would you use to describe yourself?

I am curious. I was born this way. I ask and ask and it never ends. (And I never forget the answers so be careful!)

I am courageous. I’m never afraid of starting from zero. I don’t take “circumstances” as an excuse. I change them if they hinder me from doing what I want to do.

Last but not least, I am emotional. Very emotional. I love this aspect of me. My sensitivity gives life to everything I do.


How did you get started doing self-portraits?

It’s me being curious about myself. In the end, you are the only person who you cannot “meet in person.” You need mirrors, reflections, etc. and paradoxically, you can never “get rid of” this person.

It’s like this play, where I can meet myself through a viewfinder.

Where do you find your creative inspiration?

Books, as reading calms my mind. From science fiction to philosophy, I just love reading.

Music is essential to me.

And being on the move. I love seeing and meeting different people. 

What do you love the most about analog photography?

I love the idea of “catching the light” on film. The light which is being reflected by the objects changing the chemical structure of the film. It’s “catching a moment” in time. It’s like playing with time and space.

You catch a moment and it can be brought to the future. Isn’t that crazy?!


What is something about yourself that not everyone knows?

I am a little bit claustrophobic.

What the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

It is from a poem by Bukowski:

“There is light somewhere. It may not be much light but it beats the darkness. Be on the watch. The gods will offer you chances. Know them. Take them.”


Kim Nyborg is a Berlin-based photographer and model who specializes in analog self-portraits. To see more of her photography, you can check out Kim on Instagram.


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