Caribbean Dreams
Intercru’s latest editorial comes all the way from the beautiful Caribbean. Photographer Gustavo Mármol teamed up with model Ka Linares to show off some amazing Venezuelan fashion brands.
Gustavo: “I believe that when there’s a connection between the model, photographer, and the crew, there is literally nothing that can stop you from creating something good…something that makes this job feels like it’s not a job.
“This work is something people start for themselves, so they can have something they actually like. Sometimes, we have the luck to call it ‘a job.’ We’re actually pretty fortunate.”
Photographer: Gustavo Mármol @_demarmol
Model: Ka Linares @kalinares
Brands: Kalm Swim Club @kalmswimclub // Opis Boutique @opisboutique // Loto Atelier @lotoatelier
Location: Fundación Refugios Pana @fundacionpana // Valencia, Venezuela